22 September 2024

Bo Sundström "Det kanske händer" (2021)

Det kanske händer
release date: Feb. 19, 2021
format: vinyl / cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,72]
producer: Jonas Kullhammar
label: Columbia / Sony Music - nationality: Sweden

3rd solo album by Bo Sundström and the follow-up to his acclaimed 2018 vocal jazz album Mitt dumma jag - svensk jazz is much of a second coming to an established formula. The title track ['It Might Happen'] is a free translation of classic "It Could Happen to You" written by Jimmy Van Heusen and Johnny Burke. It's all predominantly old vocal jazz classics in new arrangements with translated lyrics to a common tone to make one coherent whole of originals covering a wider range of genres and styles, and once again, it's a sheer pleasure to listen to Sundström and his hand-picked backing band. One original track by Sundström has also found its way to another mighty fine acchievement, and in this outing, I think Sundström acchieves more at a time when Bo Kaspers Orkester appears to have lost some steam. We only have to see if he will take some of this new-found success back to the band playground and perhaps introduce us to a full circle with BKO returning to bolder jazz influence. I for one, would like to see that instead of a band who appears too eager to follow contemporary patterns. But that aside, there's an ocean of classic folk, standards and vocal jazz songs to rewrite, re-arrange and to release as future solo albums, and I'm pretty convinced there will be a growing audience for this 'cause Sundström just seems to have found his way.