info + ratings

Rating system:

5.0 stars
Master work. Best of its genre. Unique.
You can't really put a finger on this release.

4.5 stars
Great album. Among the very best of its genre.
Minor detail(s) puts it below the absolute best.

4.0 stars
Major work. Almost flawless. Highly original.
Played a lot and one of my favourite releases.

3.5 stars
Fine and recommendable. Played a lot. 
I enjoy this. Contains good and even great music.

3.0 stars
Above average. Mostly interesting. 
Acknowledged as fine but may not hear all that much.

2.5 stars
Average, and not really appealing. 
May contain a few good tracks. Do not play this often.

2.0 stars
Below average. Disappointing. 
Not really my taste. I don't get it.

1.5 stars
Not good. Hardly listenable.
I avoid this release if possible.

1.0 stars
Really poor release. Not my style of music. 
I skip this immediately.

0.5 stars
Ridiculously poor. Avoid.
Is this music?

The music enlisted:

The music enlisted on this site is just some of the music from my personal collection. In time I attempt to enlist all artists, albums and singles. There are no download links. If you enjoy the music that you will find on YouTube links, I recommend that you purchase the albums legally from official vendors, and that's really the only way.

If you find that there's an abundance of  albums with the rating 3 or higher (eg. 3,5 / 5), well, I cannot argue against that, but it just shows that I do not spend much time on music that I do not like.

Music tagged 1001 Albums are albums enlisted in "1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die" edited by Robert Dimery, Cassell Illustrated [ ], first published 2005 (referred edition 2013).
Music tagged EveryHomeShouldHaveOne are my own personal favorites. Year-Best-Release says it all, and all of these should be comprised in EveryHomeShouldHaveOne, whereas some albums of this category may not be enlisted as Year-Best-Release.
Many tags do not appear in the "tag-cloud-list" but may be shortcuts to find other albums / releases by an artist, and / or ways to find associated music depending on "genre", "style", "decade", "year", "country", or ways of listing "debut" and "compilation" albums etc.

  • These pages are mostly of musical interest, and basically just for m3, myselfishness, and Eye.

edit: April 17, 2012
A favorite experimental 
art rock album: Laurie 
Anderson "Big Science" (1982)
Music is a huge source of fascination.
From my earliest childhood memories music played a major part in my life. And I guess, like it's always been like that, it always will. I can't imagine a world without music, and what I really enjoy is to discover new music, or: music I didn't know of. I'm always looking for both old as well as new music. Bands and artists that are long gone but played a part in some period of time, in some region of the world - I find that fascinating.

My musical taste is a variety of styles, genres, as well as different stylistic eras.
It's a rather hopeless attempt trying to enlist what kind of music I like, I simply find qualities in lots of styles, and I'm always in search of inspiring music.

A favorite soul album: 
Otis Redding "Otis Blue: 
Otis Redding Sings Soul" (1965)
However, I do know a few genres that I don't find that great. I don't like death metal and most of its sub-genres, as well as closely related music such as thrash, gore, drone, doom or just anything called "death-whatever". I'm not that big a fan of blues in general (there are some good ones, though), and there's a few famous artists that I simply never found enjoyable, i.e. the music of Eric Clapton, and one Mr. Robert Allen Zimmerman (aka 'Godlike' almighty Bob Dylan), who undoubtedly produced some very fine writing - lyrically, yes. I just prefer reading poems, short stories, or novels when looking for meaningful texts. He had such tremendous value on 'folk' and 'folk rock' at an important stage - yes yes yes! I do not argue! I simply cannot listen to the man himself and his music but: I often enjoy it when others perform his music - doing their cover versions, so that the music becomes digestible. Same thing really goes for one Sir (lest we forget!) Paul McCartney - and don't get me wrong, I like the 'fab four' but that was sort of then, and this is now, and some people should be forced to retire when they keep repeating themselves over and over again without contributing with anything, except maybe a hunger for 'status' and eternal fame. Also, I've never been a fan of the Stones or most 'brit pop' bands except Suede.

A favorite post-punk album:
Joy Division "Closer" (1980)

Concerning Danish music, I simply cannot stand Kim Larsen but yes, he is an important figure in Danish music, especially with Gasolin', so be it, although I don't really enjoy it - I prefer CV Jørgensen (and lots of others) anytime to that. Also, I simply turn off the radio if Lis Sørensen, Sanne Salomonsen, or Lars Lilholt is on the air. I have a clear picture of their audience, and I sort of hate to admit it, but yes, I'm judgmental... but I can't help it. So, I put people in boxes... it makes them easier to handle, I guess.
Let them just keep and honor those entertainers that I skip on the radio. Let them smoke and drink their brains out, while talking about the 70s with Suzy Quattro, Slade, Pat Metheny, Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton, the 80s filled with Queen, Tina Turner, Phil Collins, Pat Benetar, Bryan Adams, and... all the others that I find hollow imitators and ever so overrated. And just let them have their dull suburbian lives entirely for themselves - minding their tiny gardens, their overweight and lifestyle problems, along with their concerns about the next X-factor or Paradise Island winners, their dreams about the big lotto jackpot, Prince Charming... Yes, yes, yes! I'm totally loaded with prejudice! That's my curse... I can't help it... but I do know how to carry it, and I'm respectful enough, not to show my patronizing arrogant attitude - I have learned to carry carefully selected masks.
A favorite samba-jazz bossa 
nova album: Getz / Gilberto
"Getz / Gilberto" (1964)
Generally, I like music from artists who make original music, although I enjoy many 'standards' in pop(ular) music. In that respect there's no (logical) formula to my liking - I guess, it only reflects my own way of viewing art and life in general. People make music, as well as other expressions of art, for different purposes and various reasons. It's not always meant to be judged, or labelled in a certain context - intentions vary, and sometimes you can't tell but have to sense, and I imagine to be a rather sensitive person.

Progression may be inspirational, and then some things should never change... it all depends. Things do depend, and my liking mostly depends on my mood, where I am, with whom, and what I'm doing.
Music for cleaning or working with your hands can be noisy but if I'm concentrating on some homework or interest, I mostly need music with a specific soundscape, like 'ambient' music, 'jazz', some 'classical', 'electronic' or 'post rock' - lots of different genres but music with little diversity. And then again: there's no formula 'cause I may just have a second opinion... sometimes when Monday follows an ocean of doubt and the bus stops unexpectedly, especially Fellini and Taviani playing, as the delicate smell of... fascination never ends. 

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