04 April 2021

Adrianne Lenker "Songs & Instrumentals" (2020)

Songs & Instrumentals
release date: Oct. 23, 2020
format: 2cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,67]
producer: Phil Weinrobe
label: 4AD - nationality: USA

Double solo album by Adrianne Lenker from Big Thief following the release of the band's 2019 album Two Hands (Oct. 2019) for which Lenker single-handedly wrote and composed nearly all songs much to the usual tradition within the band. Songs & Instrumentals has been issued as double album in vinyl and cd format, and then it also exists as two single albums released in digital formats via bandcamp.com. Thing is, "Songs" is the title of the vocal side of the album (running 40:15 minutes) and "Instrumentals", well yes, it goes to show - and apart from that, this 'second part' only consists of two compositions - here, tracks #12 and #13 ("Music for Indigo" and "Mostly Chimes") which runs for 21:12 and 16:12 minutes respectively. Apparently, the album came about as the band's live tour activities were brought to an abrupt end due to the COVID-19 lock-down.
The album doesn't fall far from the releases by Big Thief, but in general Lenker's solo songs are more instrospective, more quiet singer / songwriter and more stripped down material without a distinct bond to the indie rock scene, and with this album she reveals an even more subtle and near lo-fi-arranged intimate collection of compositions that feel like the most natural thing - which in the case of Adrianne Lenker, it probably just is. In fact, the whole album appears to only have Lenker as performer on guitar and vocal (as well as painter for the cover) and basically with Weinrobe as recording engineer.
Lyrically, it's deeply personal, yet on a general level of instrospectiveness - how to deal with emotions linked to separation, loss and... human suffering, and then, it's yet light-hearted music all because of light strumming acoustic guitars and a gentle vocal aided along with delicate percussion. Regarding 'track highlights', it's difficult, if not impossible, to point out specific songs when in fact it's the whole album as an experience that makes it so good.
Songs & Instrumentals is a most welcomed album.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5, NME, Uncut 4 / 5, Pitchfork 8,8 / 10 stars ]