release date: Jun. 1980
format: vinyl
[single rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,54]
producer: Jeff Lynne / John Farrar
label: Jet Records - nationality: Australia / UK
Tracklist: A) "Xanadu" - - B) "Fool Country"
Single release by Olivia Newton-John and Electric Light Orchestra with the title track taken from the 1980 musical film "Xanadu" directed by Robert Greenwald and featuring Newton-John. The A-side is credited Jeff Lynne of ELO, and the B-side is a track performed by Newton-John and credited John Farrar.
I think, that I may actually have purchased this item without really knowing the song yet. I didn't watch the film, and possibly just got it on sale 'cause I never was a an of Newton-John, and especially never fell for the music by ELO. I do know, however, that I didn't play this on many occasions.
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This post is part of MyMusicJourney, which enlists key releases that have shaped my musical taste when growing up and until age 14. Most of these releases come from my parents' and / or my older brother's collection.