27 January 2014

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark "Dazzle Ships" (1983)

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Dazzle Ships
release date: Mar. 4, 1983
format: cd (reissue)
[album rate: 4 / 5] [4,06]
producer: OMD, Rhett Davies
label: Virgin Records - nationality: England, UK

Tracklist: 1. "Radio Prague" - 2. "Genetic Engineering" - 3. "ABC Auto-Industry" - 4. "Telegraph" - 5. "This Is Helena" - 6. "International" - 7. "Dazzle Ships (Parts II, III & VII)" - 8. "The Romance of the Telescope" - 9. "Silent Running" - 10. "Radio Waves" - 11. "Time Zones" - 12. "Of All the Things We’ve Made"

4th studio album by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark. The band's label Dindisc closed before releasing the album, so the parent label Virgin released the album on a fictitious independent label, "Telegraph". After three lauded albums of pure synthpop the band goes further into experimental synthpop on this and bonds to musique concrète and specifically to the German electronic band Kraftwerk.
The title refers to the Peter Saville cover art, which is inspired by "Dazzle camouflage" and specifically British painter Edward Wadsworth's painting "Dazzle-ships in Drydock at Liverpool" (1919) [see here].
The album is one of my absolute favourites by OMD (and probably the single album I would choose of all their releases), and it's one of my most played albums of the 80s. Initially, I bought the album on cassette back when it was issued, and only about a decade after its original release, I purchased the album on a cd reissue (this).
Highly recommended.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5, Record Collector, Q Magazine 5 / 5 stars ]

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