21 August 2014

New Order "Get Ready" (2001)

Get Ready
release date: Aug. 21, 2001
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,45]
producer: Steve Osborne
label: London Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Crystal" - 2. "60 Miles an Hour" - 3. "Turn My Way" - 5. "Primitive Notion" - 8. "Someone Like You" - 9. "Close Range" (live at Finsbury Park) - 10. "Run Wild"

7th studio album by New Order released on London Records is the first in a long series of New Order releases not to be produced by the band. Steve Osborne has produced all tracks except track #7 ("Rock the Shack"), which is produced by New Order and Flood (aka Mark Ellis) and track #10, co-produced by Bernard Sumner and Osborne. The band had not released a studio album for 8 years with the predecessor being Republic (1993), and the album was a bit of a surprise to many people who had buried the band. Stylistically, this is somewhere between the style of Low-Life (1985) and the two most recent albums. It's more simple and raw, and there has been made room for the inclusion of acoustic instruments (e.g. "Run Wild"), which is a bit of a contrast compared to the more complex dance-pop compositions of Republic.
I think, it's a decent release, although, I like Twisted Tenderness from 1999 by the collaboration project Electronic (consisting of Sumner and Johnny Marr) better. Unfortunately, it should prove to be their final album together.
Get Ready is the so far last New Order album to feature Gillian Gilbert, who had been in the band since its formation, and it may not be among their best but is definitely worth a spin or more.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5 stars, Rolling Stone 3,5 / 5 stars ]