25 October 2013

Dire Straits "Making Movies" (1980)

Making Movies
release date: Oct. 1980
format: vinyl (6359 034) / cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,72]
producer: Jimmy Iovine, Mark Knopfler
label: Vertigo Records - nationality: England, UK

Tracklist: 1. "Tunnel of Love" - 2. "Romeo and Juliet" (4 / 5) (live) - 3. "Skateaway" - 4. "Expresso Love" (4 / 5) (live) - 5. "Hand in Hand" - 6. "Solid Rock" (4 / 5) (live) - 7. "Les Boys"

3rd studio album by Dire Straits is the follow-up to Communiqué (Jun. 1979). During the recording sessions of the album, tensions between the two Knopfler brothers culminated in younger brother David leaving the band to pursue his own solo career and also leaving the band reduced to a trio. Mark Knopfler's wish to make use of Patti Smith and Bruce Springsteen producer Jimmy Iovine led to the contact of keyboardist Roy Bittan of Springsteen's backing band The E-Street Band, and Bittan is credited as additional personnel (together with guitarist Sid McGinnis) and he plays a central part in the sound of the album, which also marks a stylistic change for Dire Straits. The band had surged playing British blues rock but that style is almost gone here and replaced by a new and more mainstream sound building on American contemporary pop / rock with r&b and rock roots - e.g. Bruce Springsteen. The album was the first I purchased with the band at the time of its release, and it was close to being my favourite album of the time. I just found that it was a bit too nice and polished, but the production sound is quite remarkable for its time, and today, I count the album among the band's top 3 albums.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5, Rolling Stone 4 / 5 stars ]