24 November 2019

Dead Can Dance "Dead Can Dance" (1984)

Dead Can Dance [debut]
release date: Feb. 27, 1984
format: cd (2008 remaster)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,54]
producer: Dead Can Dance
label: 4AD / Warner Music Japan - nationality: Australia

Track highlights: 1. "The Fatal Impact" - 2. "The Trial" - 5. "Ocean" - 6. "East of Eden" - 10. "Musica Eternal"

Studio album debut by Australian, Melbourne-founded, band Dead Can Dance, who at this early point after having relocated to London, UK, consists of Lisa Gerrard, Brendan Perry, James Pinker, Scott Roger, and Peter (Lawrence) Ulrich. Already from the band's successor Spleen and Ideal (1985) and onwards, the band is constituted only by Gerrard and Perry.
Musically, it's quite difficult to narrow in as the style reflects a mix from many sources. The front cover alone - depicting the ancient artwork originating from Papua New Guinea sided by Greek letters tell us bits of their influences. There are dream pop-hauling electric guitars and likewise vocal performances with bold use of echo or delay effects, and then there's 'world'-like use of strong bass lines and percussion, which altogether makes it highly original by adding a gothic rock / ethereal darkwave sensation, although, that term wasn't even thought of at this point.
There are no credit-list available, only a back cover note stating: "A special thank-you to Ivo, Robin and Vaughan for all the interest they have shown." Ivo being Ivo Watts-Russell, one of the founders of 4AD Records, Robin being Robin Guthrie of Cocteau Twins (also associated with 4AD) - both Ivo and Guthrie were involved in the musical project, This Mortail Coil, which included Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance; and Vaughan being Vaughan Oliver, graphic designer at 4AD.
The album was released without much recognition in '84, but by passing the new Millenium and a bunch of artists engaged in neo-classical and / or darkwave-styles, Dead Can Dance and this album have attracted much more recognition, although, the band's style here is more linked with contemporary early '80s music - putting the band aside acts like Bauhaus, The Cure, Cocteau Twins and This Mortail Coil. With later (and more original) releases, Dead Can Dance would prove to make highly innovative and influential music.
Later in '84, both Gerrard and Perry represented the band on the debut album It'll End in Tears by the music collective, This Mortal Coil, led by 4AD founder, Ivo Watts-Russell.