20 November 2016

John Mayer Trio "Try! (Live in Concert)" (2005) (live)

Try! (Live in Concert) (live)
release date: Nov. 22, 2005
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,72]
producer: Steve Jordan, John Mayer
label: Columbia - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Who Did You Think I Was" - 2. "Good Love Is On The Way" - 3. "Wait Until Tomorrow" - 5. "Vultures" - 10. "Daughters" - 11. "Try"

1st album release with John Mayer Trio consisting of Mayer on guitars and lead vocals, bassist Pino Palladino and Steve Jordan on drums and backing vocals.
The album focuses on blues rock in particular but also builds on traditional r&b and jazz rock. It consist of 11 tracks of which two compositions are reworked songs from Mayer's 2003 solo album: "Daughters" and "Something's Missing", two are Mayer songs from his forthcoming 2006 album: "Vultures" and "Gravity", and two songs are cover versions: Hendrix' "Wait Until Tomorrow" and "I Got a Woman" written by Ray Charles, and three songs written by the John Mayer Trio.
This is the first sign that Mayer really intend to move his music away from the pop / rock productions of his early career, which is warmly welcomed. It's not surprising to see Mayer release a live album under this new constellation - he has already become renowned for playing better and more energetic on his live performances, and when that seems to evade him in the studio what is more appropriate than just record the music live?!
Anyway, I find it strong and very tight in a jazzy way all thanks to drummer and bassist. It was met both by appraisal and lukewarm reviews - some of which I suspect of wanting Mayer to keep releasing soft rock songs for his teen fans. The album was nominated Best Rock Album at the 2007 (?) Grammy Awards, and I simply consider it his so far best effort.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5, Blender, Rolling Stone 3 / 5 stars ]