16 December 2012

Van Morrison "Wavelength" (1978)

release date: Sep. 1978
format: cd (2008 remaster)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,42]
producer: Van Morrison
label: Polydor Records - nationality: Northern Ireland, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Kingdom Hall" - 2. "Checking It Out" - 3. "Natalia" - 6. "Wavelength" - 8. "Hungry for Your Love"

10th studio album by Van Morrison originally released on Warner Bros. and with himself as producer sees Van take on a more contemporary pop / rock-styled mix of pop soul and rhythm & blues.
Critics were split when reviewing the album, although, they agreed that it was his clearly most pop-styled album so far, but it turned out as the success he had been looking for as it was his fastest selling album to date reaching 'Gold' status in the US within only three months. The album success made him assemble a backing band and launch on a promotion tour.
It's not one of my favourite Morrison albums. I have always found that it wasn't among his best performances nor displaying his best material. Some compositions are too slick cut and the result is a strange mix of intentional direction. There are some truly heartfelt and strong soul-elements that I really like - even in his most pop-styled songs like on "Natalia" and "Hungry for Your Love", and there are the more r&b-fused energetic bursts like "Kingdom Hall" and "Checking It Out", but then the remainders don't quite fit in with that but are singer / songwriter material that sums it up as a more uneven yet also more mainstream album than eg. A Period of Transition, which in comparison seems more honest. These two albums are very different but I still find it hard to pick which one I prefer, though, they are solid albums.
Now, I really like most of the single tracks on this, but it's not an immediate favourite of mine.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5, Rolling Stone Album Guide 2,5 / 5 stars ]