12 April 2016

Last Dinosaurs "In a Million Years" (2012)

In a Million Years
release date: Mar. 20, 2012
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,52]
producer: Jean-Paul Fung
label: Dew Process - nationality: Australia

Track highlights: 1. "Zoom" - 2. "I Can't Help You" - 3. "Sunday Night" - 4. "Time & Place" - 8. "I Can't Decide" - 10. "Honolulu"

Studio album debut by Australian band Last Dinosaurs following the release of the 2010 EP-debut Back From the Dead (Feb. 2010). The album consists of eleven energetic and melodic indie pop tunes with a total running time of just under 43 minutes. All tracks except one, are credited the quartet of Sean & Lachlan Caskey, Sam Gethin-Jones, and Dan Koyama.
Musically, it's light indie rock, or indie pop with focus on simplistic uptempo hooks and harmony choruses. The band appears inspired by various sources from British indie pop bands, and American college rock scene, but also from Australasian pop / rock community.
In a Million Years is a blow of fresh air. The album appears extremely coherent - with a tendency to display only little variation, but mostly without becoming repetitous, and when comparing to the two-year old ep debut, this contains better arranged songs and with an audible attempt to appeal to a more rock-oriented fan-base.
It's not the most original output but it's still a fine and noteworthy debut that hightens the level from their simpler ep debut.
[ SputnikMusic 4 / 5 stars ]