21 December 2015

Marie Key "Tænker du vi danser" (2015)

Tænker du vi danser
release date: Feb. 2, 2015
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,62]
producer: Andreas "Maskinen" Sommer
label: Genlyd / Sony Music - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Fatter det nu" (live) - 2. "Fryser med dig" (4 / 5) (live) - 3. "Tænker du vi danser" (live) - 4. "Hvis du går" - 5. "Dans" - 6. "Hjerte der banker" - 8. "Oceaner" - 10. "Dit sekund"

3rd solo studio album by Marie Key follows the same recipe of the previous and succesful second album De her dage from 2012 in a musical collaboration with producer, Anders Sommer. It's more than fine, personal songs about insecurity and relationships held in a tight spatial production. The album was met by positive reviews, and I believe the album nationally has sold more than well. I just find it too slick, too close to being just the expected follow-up to her great 2012 album. There are no surprises and hardly no really great songs. Yet, it's not anywhere near her weakest albums, it just doesn't offer any progression in respect to her last album - it's like the second secret disc from the same recordings. Sometimes you shouldn't fix what isn't broken but when talking about music that implies more of the same, which isn't the same as just as great.
[ Gaffa.dk 5 / 6 stars ]