13 August 2014

Bill Frisell "In Line" (1983)

In Line
release date: 1983
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,34]
producer: Manfreid Eicher
label: ECM - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Start" - 2. "Throughout" - 4. "Shorts" - 5. "Smile on You" - 7. "In Line"

Studio album debut by American guitarist Bill Frisell [William Richard Frisell]. The album follows shortly after ECM apperances as collaborative or featuring guitarist: on Psalm (1982) by Paul Motian Band (led by drummer Paul Motian) on Paths, Prints (1982) by Norwegian alto-saxophonst Jan Garbarek, and also from '82: A Molde Concert by Norwegian bassist Arild Andersen, but his first appearance on an album appears to be with the album Good Buddies (1978), a jazz-fusion album credited Michel Herr, Bill Frisell, Vinton Johnson, and Kermit Driscoll released on EMI Belgium.
In Line is a quiet album touching on ambient minimalism, and it consists of nine compositions by Frisell and basically only feature Frisell on electric and acoustic guitars with Arild Andersen contributing on bass on five tracks. Frisell had often been praised his guitar-work on other albums, so it really makes sense have him star as instrumental virtouso.
In Line is a fine first album despite the absence of other instrumentation. In that regard it's a solid and subtle start of a long and shining career, though I wouldn't recommend to start here.
[ allmusic.com 3 / 5, Rolling Stone 4 / 5 stars ]