06 November 2014

TV-2 "Rigtige mænd gider ikke høre mere vrøvl" (1985)

Rigtige mænd gider ikke høre mere vrøvl
release date: Nov. 1985
format: vinyl (26675) / digital
[album rate: 4 / 5] [3,82]
producer: Greg Walsh
label: CBS Records - nationality: Denmark

5th studio album by Danish band TV-2 features British producer Greg Walsh, who has worked with Heaven 17, The Associates, Howard Devoto, and Tina Turner. Soundwise, it's not all that different from the predecessor, Nutidens unge. It's produced using more tracks, I guess, and there's a sense of wider space with more musical complexity.
Again, the album was released to positive reviews and the album more than doubled the sales numbers of the band's previous success. It remains TV-2's best selling album.
It may not be the band's most cohenrent and best album, although, I find that it contains some of the band's absolute best compositions, e.g. "På Skanderborg Station" and "September 1985". I also think that it's the first album where you sense that the band begin to reproduce a certain matrix.