28 March 2016

The Jezabels "The Brink" (2014)

The Brink
release date: Jan. 31, 2014
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,35]
producer: Dan Grech-Marguerat
label: Play It Again Sam - nationality: Australia

Track highlights: 1. "The Brink" - 3. "Look of Love" (4 / 5) - 5. "Angels of Fire" - 6. "No Country" - 7. "The End" (4 / 5) - 10. "All You Need"

2nd full-length studio album by The Jezabels sounds like a fine improvement from the debut, which seemed more like a record label decision in need of a full length album from a band with only singles and eps on the cv. More than two years on its way, this is already more like a band shining through with something to offer. To my regret, I found that the band sounded a bit too much like Lana Del Rey on the debut album, which in essence made them appear a bit astray in relation to their sound on the preceding ep and single releases, but here they mostly just sound like themselves (again) with hints to late Siouxsie and the Banshees and U2 - if any. Although, the album may not end up on the top of my year-best list, it's really a fine and recommendable release altogether.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5, SputnikMusic 3,5 / 5 stars ]