19 September 2013

Imperiet "Imperiet" (1984), mini-lp

Imperiet, mini-lp
release date: Mar. 1984
format: vinyl (MLRM 02) / cd (1997)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,66]
producer: Stefan Glaumann & Imperiet
label: Mistlur - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "Det glittrar" - 2. "Dekadanser" (4 / 5) - 3. "Kickar" (4 / 5) - 4. "Kriget med mig själv" - 6. "Jag kan inte leva utan dig"

2nd album release by Imperiet. This was released as a six track "Mini-LP" but it's often listed as the band's second studio album, which I think of it... but it does raise a question as to where the line is between 'extended play' and 'mini-album'? Both are characterised by a short playing time but where's the exact limit to that?
Anyhow, this is a 'Mini LP', meaning 'Mini (short) Long Playing' [!] album with a total of a little more than 24 minutes playing time... and it's really fine. Actually, it's one of the best by the band. Stry Terrarie sings and plays guitar on the album, and saxophonist Per Hägglund has taken over playing keyboards. For whatever reasons, this is the last album featuring Terrarie.
The album was later (in 1992 and 1997) released on cd with the album Rasera.