20 June 2013

Ebba Grön "Ebba Grön" (1982)

Ebba Grön
release date: Apr. 1982
format: vinyl (MLR-25) / digital
[album rate: 4 / 5] [3,96]
producer: Stefan Glaumann, Ebba Grön, Tony Thorén
label: Mistlur - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "Flyktsoda" (4 / 5) (live) - 2. "Uppgång & fall" (4 / 5) - 3. "Heroinister & Kontorister" (4 / 5) - 4. "Stopp!" - 5. "Die Mauer" - 6. "Musketör" - 9. "Kärlek e stark" - 10. "Tittar på tv"

3rd and final studio album release by Ebba Grön who has been expanded to a quartet as Stry Terrarie (aka Anders Sjöholm) has been included on keyboards. Once again, the band has changed its sound as the album turns towards a new era with a more mainstream sound with traces of blues rock utilising horns, keyboards and strings, which basically makes it a near chamber pop release, but also points to later releases by the band Imperiet that should be founded by most of the band members from Ebba Grön.
I really loved this particular album at the time of its release, and forced to choose, I find it their best and most coherent album.
After this, the band officially split in 1983. The band's bassist Lennart 'Fjodor' Olof Birger Eriksson rejected to do obligatory military service in '82 and was subsequently imprisoned, which basically left the remainders of the band with their side-project Rumdimperiet, and in early 1983 it was announced that Ebba Grön had ceased to exist, but Thåström, Stry and Gurra continued in Imperiet.