03 April 2017

The Durutti Column "Fidelity" (1996)

release date: 1996
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,96]
producer: Laurie Lexicon
label: Crépuscule - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 2. "For Suzanne" - 3. "Future Perfect" - 5. "G & T" - 7. "Sanko" - 9. "Guitar for Mother" - 10. "Storm for Steve"

10th studio album or so by The Durutti Column released on Crépuscule and produced by Laurie Lexicon [Laurie Keith, aka Laurie Laptop]. By this, Reilly has released so many obscure albums on likewise obscure record labels that it has become difficult to keep count of what are "official" albums and what are collaboration works and / or just regional / limited releases. This is not released through Factory Records (who had a troubled time in the early '90s and eventually closed in '92) nor on Factory Too, but the album had its release on the Belgian label Crépuscule (or: Les Disques du Crépuscule, a label with strong bonds to Factory Records as it was also called Factory Benelux, which originally was a sublabel of Factory Records residing in Belgium). This is another of his electronic experiments, and he really tries many styles on this, mainly in a downtempo house area. I feel it's slightly better than Obey the Time (1990) but not much, although, allmusic disagree.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5 stars ]