20 November 2013

The Crash "Wildlife" (2001)

release date: Sep. 21, 2001
format: digital
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,64]
producer: Teemu Brunila
label: Evidence - nationality: Finland

Track highlights: 1. "Star" (4 / 5) - 2. "Empty" (3 / 5) - 3. "Lauren Caught My Eye" (4 / 5) - 5. "New York" - 7. "Simple Things" - 9. "Phoebe"

2nd studio album release by The Crash following a slightly mediocre 1999 debut with Comfort Deluxe - and what an improvement this is! Musically, they still play indie pop but this time they have much better material, and it's really only a mystery as to why this album wasn't an international hit. Of course, the international music press, and the national radio stations, etc. all know too well that Finland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Poland, and many other countries simply do not make great pop music... And what a pity they have such power 'cause this is a gem.
Highly recommended.