04 March 2016

Bob Mould "Silver Age" (2012)

Silver Age
release date: Sep. 4, 2012
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,62]
producer: Bob Mould
label: Merge Records - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Star Machine" - 2. "Silver Age" - 3. "The Descent" (5 / 5) (live on WFUV) - 6. "Fugue State" - 8. "Angels Rearrange" - 9. "Keep Believing" - 10. "First Time Joy"

9th solo studio album by Bob Mould and his first on new label, Merge Records signals a new start.
The album shows us a much more focused Mould than we've been used to for the past two decades.
For the first time in that many years it's so nice to hear the old man back on top. He sounds pretty much like Bob Mould in 1996, which means it cannot be bad - in fact, it's more than just Okay, and I find that it's one of the better releases in 2012. For quite some years I had given up on the man, as he continued to release new albums in search of a new styles or a new combo within familiar styles, without much luck, and without the right package of good songs, he's so famous for.
"The Descent" is just one blasting mofo song. Thanx Bob, how great to see you back!
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]