15 March 2016

Kent "Verkligen" (1996)

release date: Mar. 15, 1996
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,62]
producer: Nille Perned
label: RCA Victor / BMG Sweden - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "Avtryck" - 2. "Kräm (så nära får ingen gå)" (4 / 5) - 3. "Gravitation" - 5. "10 minuter (för mig själv)" - 7. "Indianer" - 8. "Halka" (4 / 5) - 10. "Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon" (4 / 5)

2nd studio album by Kent is also the second to be produced by Nille Perned. Despite being released less than a year after the debut, it's quite a different and darker sound they come out with.
This is here they establish what has become lasting trademarks: Strong lyrical compositions with the tension of mellow, melancholic, and chorus-founded songs and the inclusion of both ballads and more "happy-go-lucky" kind of songs. This span is primarily heard on "Kräm (så nära får ingen gå)", "Halka", and "Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon". These three songs signal the "new" Kent, which comes even clearer through on its successor. Production vice it demonstrates a more refined sound, but the album still connects with early garage rock and consequently a more one-dimensional output.
Three singles were released from this with track #2 as the first and only single release (rel. Feb. 2, 1996) issued prior to the album, followed by #8 (shortly after the album release) and #3 (rel. Sep. '96). All three charted on the national singles chart list, as number #4, #36 and #14, respectively.
Verkligen became the band's first to top the national albums chart list - something they should go on to reproduce with every single studio album following this for the next 20 years!!
Kent also won its first Rockbjörn [Award held by Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet] for best 'Pop/Rock Group', and the first single (of three single releases spawned from the album), "Kräm (så nära får ingen gå)" peaked at number #4 on the singles chart list.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5 stars ]

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