03 July 2013

Suede "Sci-Fi Lullabies" (1997)

Sci-Fi Lullabies (compilation)
release date: Oct. 6, 1997
format: 2 cd
[album rate: 4 / 5]
producer: Ed Buller
label: Nude Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights:
Disc 1: 1. "My Insatiable One" (4 / 5) - 3. "Where the Pigs Don't Fly" - 4. "He's Dead" - 8. "My Dark Star" - 9. "Killing of a Flash Boy" - 11. "Modern Boys" - 12. "Together" - 13. "Bentswood Boys" - 14. "Europe Is Our Playground"
Disc 2: 1. "Every Monday Morning Comes" (4 / 5) - 4. "Young Men" - 5. "The Sound of the Streets" (4 / 5) - 6. "Money" (3 / 5) - 8. "This Time" - 11. "Sadie" - 13. "Duchess"

Compilation album by Suede, which indeed is a most interesting release. Normally, compilations are best of, 'most of', or any such labels. It's interesting in that respect that it's the collection of B-side singles to all of the band's single releases - with a total of 27 tracks issued as a 2 discs album. Now, how many bands would promote such an idea with expectations of much success? Very few, I reckon, and that's why this album is quite an accomplishment. Some tracks do seem like leftovers but the above highlighted tracks could easily have been released on any of their so far three studio releases without lowering the standard, and some of the songs would undoubtedly have raised the quality.
Most tracks are (once again) produced by Ed Buller.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]

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