The Sensual World
release date: Oct. 16, 1989
format: digital
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,36]
producer: Kate Bush
label: EMI - nationality: England, UK
Track highlights: 1. "The Sensual World" - 2. "Love and Anger" - 5. "Heads We're Dancing" - 10. "This Woman's Work"
6th studio album by Kate Bush follows four years after Hounds of Love (Sep. 1985) adds another year to the interval in between new albums. This is her so far most mainstream pop / rock-shaped album to date. It was well-received by both the press and by fans making it peak as number #2 on the UK albums chart list, but I don't find it up there on the same level as her previous studio albums.
I think, it's a rather transparent album with nothing really great to offer except from repeating some of the arrangements that worked before; although, it's still obvious that Kate Bush has a gift for writing complex songs and performing with something rare as pure grace, but for the first time, I think Bush has made an album that doesn't live up to expectations.
[ 4,5 / 5, Rolling Stone 4 / 5 stars ]