28 February 2017

Kent "The Hjärta & smärta EP" (2005) (ep)

The Hjärta & smärta EP, ep
release date: Oct. 28, 2005
format: cd
[album rate: 4 / 5] [4,08]
producer: Nille Perned, Kent and Stefan Boman
label: RCA / Sony BMG - nationality: Sweden

Tracklist: 1. "Vi mot världen" - 2. "Dom som försvann" - 3. "Ansgar & Evelyne" (5 / 5) - 4. "Flen / Paris" (4,5 / 5) - 5. "Månadens erbjudande"

Ep release by Kent welcomes back Nille Perned as producer, as he had been on the band's first two albums. Together with Kent and most recent co-producer Stefan Boman, the three have created a sound and style that both points back in time and also contains elements of the band's succeeding releases. The most poignant characteristic here is the guitar-driven roots associating the band in the soft lane of garage rock. The end result is an ep in-between, or: perhaps more at the centre of what Kent has come to represent - depending on what perspective you choose. In either case, this album is not just extra material or a small collection of leftovers from Du och jag döden from March earlier this year - it's something... nearby, and that's its biggest asset.
Perhaps, the ep also serves to demonstrate what Kent could have done had they not made the choice to go with a tighter sound that would eventually have them embrace a synthpop version of alt. rock instead of going with a bolder traditional guitar-rock sound and style.
The Hjärta & smärta EP is a great diversion if you happen to be a Kent fan. If not, you may feel misled or even disappointed about this, or you would perhaps dislike the 'new' Kent, and the way they turned out but in return think of this as something great.
I simply love this one - initially, it wasn't an absolute favourite of mine, because it's so different but with Kent things (always) grow on you, and this one certainly did just that, and I have come to consider it a splendid testimony. By gosh, they are so talented, and you end up thinking: what if they chose another genre, just for the fun of it... How could that not turn out as something more than just fine?!
What really proves difficult here is to pin out the best tracks 'cause it's really much of a whole and at such a high quality level. Forced to pick one, I go with "Ansgar & Evelyne".
Needles say, the ep peaked at number #1 on the Swedish singles chart and of course I find it highly recommendable.

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