28 February 2017

Cornershop "Cornershop & the Double 'O' Groove Of" (2011)

Cornershop & the Double 'O' Groove Of Featuring Bubbley Kaur
release date: Mar. 14, 2011
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,58]
producer: Tjinder Singh
label: Ample Play Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "United Provinces of India" (4 / 5) - 2. "Topknot" - 3. "The 911 Curry" - 4. "Natch" - 5. "Double Decker Eyelashes" - 6. "The Biro Pen" - 10. "Don't Shake It"

6th studio album by Cornershop released as 'Cornershop Featuring Bubbley Kaur' follows two years after Cornershop's Judy Sucks a Lemon for Breakfast.
Where the band's previous albums have had its roots grounded in indie pop and Western popular music this one reflects a stronger move towards Indian folk and South Asian music, although, the music by Cornershop (Tjinder Singh) always reflects a huge fusion of styles with traces of neo-psychedelia. All compositions here are credited Singh and Bubbley Kaur with the latter singing in Punjabi. Apparently, Singh was introduced to Kaur, as someone without connection to the music industry but just had a beautiful singing voice. And the name 'Bubbley Kaur' was invented by Singh to protect her privacy.
Cornershop & the Double 'O' Groove Of is a fine and quite original wrap, both paying hommage to traditional Indian folk music and simultaneously producing a new fresh sound.
[ allmusic.com, Rolling Stone 3,5 / 5 stars ]