18 May 2020

The Fratellis "In Your Own Sweet Time" (2018)

In Your Own Sweet Time
release date: Mar. 16, 2018
format: vinyl (LTD. orange vinyl) / digital (11 x File, FLAC)
[album rate: 4 / 5] [3,90]
producer: Tony Hoffer
label: Cooking Vinyl - nationality: Scotland, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Stand Up Tragedy" (4 / 5) (Jon Fratelli solo acoustic) - 2. "Starcrossed Losers" - 6. "I've Been Blind" - 7. "Laughing Gas" (Jon Fratelli solo acoustic)

5th studio album by Scottish trio The Fratellis following the 2015 album Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied with music exclusively composed by vocalist and guitarist Jon Fratelli (aka John Paul Lawler) who is also credited as keyboardist.
Where the 2015 album revealed a more laid-back and less garage rock-styled collection of songs, this new album brings back the prolific energy of the debut, which may coincide with the fact that they have brought back the producer of their debut album, Tony Hoffer, who also produced their 2015 album.
I easily find it the band's second-best album, much alongside We Need Medicine from 2013, but this has more of the original simplicity that characterised the band's first studio album, and then there's a stronger glam rock sensation that makes you understand the importance of one Marc Bolan.
[ 👎allmusic.com 3 / 5, 👍PopMatters, Spill Magazine 3,5 / 5, Express 4 / 5 stars ]

2018 Favourite releases: 1. Jon Hopkins Singularity - 2. The Fratellis In Your Own Sweet Time - 3. Robyn Honey