18 February 2017

Richard Hawley "Hollow Meadows" (2015)

Hollow Meadows
release date: Sep. 11, 2015
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,66]
producer: Shez Sheridan, Richard Hawley, Colin Elliott
label: Parlophone - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "I Still Want You" - 2. "The World Looks Down" - 5. "Long Time Down" - 6. "Nothing Like a Friend" (4 / 5) - 7. "Sometimes I Feel" - 9. "Welcome the Sun" - 10. "Heart of Oak" (live on Later)

7th full studio album by chamber pop singer / songwriter Richard Hawley introduces guitarist Shez Sheridan as co-producer to the solid collaborative unity of Colin Elliott and Hawley. The album still feels very much like a return to form in the sense of being closer related to his great 2005 album Coles Corner, and which means he has put aside some of the more experimental aspects as found on his two most recent albums. The album is quiet, slow and with focus on the ballad-like stories about unrequited love.
I easily find it bettering his somewhat mediocre 2012 album Standing at the Sky's Edge but also bettering his fine 2009 album Truelove's Gutter and by that releasing one of his top 3 albums ever.
[ allmusic.com, NME 4 / 5 stars ]