16 February 2017

Paul Weller "Wake Up the Nation" (2010)

Wake Up the Nation
release date: Apr. 19, 2010
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,90]
producer: Simon Dine
label: Island Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 2. "Wake Up the Nation" - 3. "No Tears to Cry" - 8. "Find the Torch, Burn the Plans"

10th studio album by Paul Weller finds him on repeat - I think. This is his usual formula, as heard on all of his post 2000 albums: searching to make a new Wild Wood album with a blend of mod revival, singer / songwriter, with an addition of pop soul, but it really lacks the great tunes and memorable songs. However, the album was met by positive review in Britain reaching number #2 on the UK album chart list. The album was nominated the Mercury Prize for best album of the year, which was handed to The xx for the album xx.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5, Slant 4 / 5, Q, The Guardian, The Independent 5 / 5 stars ]