26 October 2016

Olesen-Olesen "Anonyme melankolikere" (2002)

Anonyme melankolikere
release date: Apr. 2, 2002
format: cd (melo 001)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,62]
producer: Olesen-Olesen
label: Melodika - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Anonyme melankolikere (som folk er flest)" - 2. "På Eik Skaløes Plads" - 3. "Sådan skulle livet altid være" - 4. "Husråd og mundheld" - 5. "Alle linier er optagede" - 6. "I en storm af metaforer" - 10. "Ikke langt herfra"

4th studio album by Olesen-Olesen follows two years after Dagens gerning is the brothers' first release on their own new-founded label Melodika. It's self-produced and contains 10 tracks with a total running time at just over 41 mins.
Musically, it doesn't represent major changes, although, it appears as less orchestrated when comparing to Der er brev fra Onkel Bob i Amerika (Sep. 2000).
The album is another truly fine release of well-known Danish folk rock and singer / songwriter melodies, and an overall more subdued and laid-back album, and perhaps more sinister compared to the duo's most recent album.
I really enjoy this album too, which simply was completely ignored at the time of its release. At this point of their career, I guess the brothers Olesen must have seen the irony of what may have felt like a continuous artistic acclaim that doesn't always go hand in hand with commercial success. The duo has nearly always been met by fine reviews but at the same time never succeeded in selling more than a few hundred copies of their albums. I think, Olesen-Olesen is one of the best Danish artists in the late '90s and in the new millennium up until the duo's disbandment in 2007. This album only verifies that.
[ Gaffa.dk 4 / 6 stars ]