13 September 2016

Olesen-Olesen "Der er brev fra Onkel Bob i Amerika" (2000)

Der er brev fra Onkel Bob i Amerika
release date: Sep. 13, 2000
format: cd
[album rate: 4 / 5] [4,08]
produced: Kim Hyttel, Olesen-Olesen
label: Midget Records - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Set gennem en voksende rus" (4 / 5) (acoustic live) - 2. "Lad mig sove til jeg vågner" (4 / 5) - 3. "Ikke kun i Nordvest" - 4. "Farvel store ego" (4,5 / 5) - 5. "Audrey Hepburn" - 7. "Hologram" (4 / 5) - 8. "Venter på renæssancen" - 9. "Hvor alting hører op" - 10. "Når man nærmest har alt" (4 / 5)

3rd studio album by Olesen-Olesen released on Midget Records and produced by Kim Hyttel and Olesen-Olesen is an 11 tracks album with a running time at (only) 40 mins.
Stylistically, the duo continues in a singer / songwriter context with this album as their most chamber pop styled release.
In my mind - and in retrospect after having released 7 full-length studio albums - this very album is the duo's best, their most coherent, and also their most orchestrated album. It has a fine balanced background foundation with slide-guitar, bass, and drums but also a well-tempered Hammond organ. On top of that, Peter H. Olesen shines in his ever-present melancholy of images of long-gone America, stories about Dylan ('Onkel Bob' ['Uncle Bob'], of course), Audrey Hepburn, about ordinary life, longing in general, and the ongoing stories about self-esteem and lost and future illusions.
This is one of my absolute favourite albums of the year 2000.
Highly recommended.
[ Gaffa.dk 5 / 6 stars ]

2000 Favourite releases: 1. PJ Harvey Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea - 2. Susana Baca Eco de sombras - 3. Olesen-Olesen Der er brev fra onkel Bob i Amerika