01 July 2016

Astrud Gilberto "Beach Samba" (1967)

Beach Samba
release date: 1967
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5]

Tracklist: 1. "Stay" (4 / 5) - 2. "Misty Roses" - 3. "The Face I Love" - 4. "A Banda (Parade)" - 5. "Oba, oba" - 6. "Canoeiro" - 7. "I Had the Craziest Dream" - 8. "Bossa na praia (Beach Samba)" - 9. "My Foolish Heart" - 10. "Dia das Rosas (I Think of You)" - 11. "You Didn't Have Be So Nice" - 12. "Não bate o coroção"

5th studio album by Astrud Gilberto is a more of a pop and standards-styled album. This is better than her first attempt with the standards, her second album, The Shadow of Your Smile (1965). Primarily, she succeeds better because on this album the pop songs are more easy listening tracks that do not demand a voluminous voice like her best albums with bossa nova vocal jazz. An enhanced re-issue was released in 1993 with 17 tracks. The album is included in "1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die".
[ allmusic.com 3 / 5 stars ]