30 June 2016

Signe Svendsen "Rift" (2016)

release date: Mar. 15, 2016
format: cd (BRCD20161)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,48]
producer: Lars Skjærbæk
label: Bear Records - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Rift" - 2. "Strejfer" - 4. "Min værste fjende" - 5. "Drømmerester" - 6. "Hjertet brister" - 9. "Den sidste generation"

3rd studio album from Danish singer / songwriter Signe Svendsen following 2½ years after Kun de faldne rejser sig (Oct. 2013) is like that released by Bear Records and produced by Skjærbæk, who's also credited guitars, keyboards and backing vocals. On ten new songs Svendsen thematically investigates the non-perfect in us all - 'Rift' [translates to 'tear' as in 'scratch' / 'wound'] is here that unperfect mark everyone has, physically, or hidden on the inside, but she also raises a concern for the global climate.
Stylewise, the soundscape is more influenced by rock - the arrangements have a basic rock-foundation making the songs edgier and more direct, and the song material no longer contain traces of familiar international names. Svendsen has made her so far most mature and convincing collection of original songs.
[ Jyllands-Posten 4 / 6 stars ]