02 February 2014

Lars Muhl "The Glorious Art of Breaking Little Girls' Hearts and Blowing Big Boys' Brains" (1986)

The Glorious Art of Breaking Little Girls' Hearts... [debut]
release date: 1986
format: vinyl (GENLP 149) / cd (1995 reissue)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,54]
producer: Lars Muhl & Thomas Breckling
label: Genlyd - nationality: Denmark

Studio solo debut with the full title: The Glorious Art of Breaking Little Girls' Hearts and Blowing Big Boys' Brains by former Warm Guns vocalist Lars Muhl.
With the album Muhl launched himself into the top of Danish pop / rock artists on the national and Scandinavian scene. He soon became one of the most frequently used songwriters, and many Danish artists made use of his songwriting for covering his songs as well as for writing original material.
The album hasn't aged that well as there's strong use of '80s synths and drum machines, but as original material it still stands out in its own rights.