release date: 1962
format: vinyl (267 200)
[single rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,56]
producer: ?
label: Fontana - nationality: England, UK
Tracklist: A) "You're for Real" - - B) "When You Pass By"
Single release by Rikki Price with the title track being England's contribution to the 1962 Eurovision Song Contest.
This copy of the single is a Danish issue, perhaps released at some point after the original release, as it says 'Recording first published 1962" on labels. The single was part of my parents' record collection and not one I found of great interest - although, I recall finding the B-side bettering the title track.
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This post is part of MyMusicJourney, which enlists key releases that have shaped my musical taste when growing up and until age 14. Most of these releases come from my parents' and / or my older brother's collection.