22 December 2014

The Knife, Mt. Sims, and Planningtorock "Tomorrow, in a Year" (2010)

Tomorrow, in a Year
release date: Feb. 1, 2010
format: digital (2 cd)
[album rate: 2 / 5] [2,18]

Track highlight: Disc 2) 3. "Colouring of Pigeons"

A studio collaboration double album released as The Knife, Mt. Sims, and Planningtorock. The album is the studio version of the homonymous opera performed by Danish performance act Hotel Pro Forma based on Charles Darwin's 'On the Origin of the Species'. The collaboration artists have written the opera together with Planningtorock [aka Janine Rostron, English electronic musician] who participate in the music recordings but only has co-written music for two tracks, Mt. Sims [aka Matthew Sims, American (electronic) musician] who co-wrote most of the material with The Knife, who was involved in all compositions. Several traditional opera performers participate on the vocal side of the album. The music is experimental modern classical, or electronic opera and as such very different from what The Knife has released before.
I think, to fully appreciate the album, one has to be open to sub-genres of traditional opera as well as experimental music in general. It may not make much sense if you are a fan of synthpop only or techno for that matter. I must admit that the album needs more than just attention to digest. I find it interesting but difficult to enjoy in one take. I think, the music would suit fine as background noise if you are a creative painter, designer, or sculptor, or perhaps as a soundtrack.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5, Drowned in Sound 5 / 5 stars ]