15 April 2016

Wilmer X "Pontiac till himmelen" (1993)

Pontiac till himmelen
released: 1993
format: cd
[album rate: 4 / 5] [3,96]
producer: Michael Ilbert
label: EMI - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 2. "Slaget om en flickas hjärta" - 3. "Söt sak" - 5. "Ah du, hur fan ser du ut?" - 6. "Teddys rum" - 7. "Ett och ett är två men blir tre när vi blir ett" (4 / 5) - 8. "Fanny i fönstret" - 9. "Min egen metod" (4 / 5) - 10. "Pontiac till himmelen" - 12. "Hoppas på regn" - 14. "Radio W.X." - 15. "Håll flamman levande"

11th studio album by Wilmer X is just so... 'jävla grrreat – ja, bara grym'. I had this album on cassette for about 10 years, and for some other reason I was unable to listen to my old cassettes for some time and then I finally got hold of a cd-version. And as I enjoyed it then, I simply love it again. It’s a bit untraditional in the way the tracks are listed on the album because I think the first two songs are perhaps a little below the rest, or that’s just how it seems at the moment ‘cause another thing that shows its greatness is the way it grows on you. Songs suddenly open and let you in, or: they drag you in, while others remain more unnoticed, lurking for their turn to throw themselves over your defenceless mind, which leads to another wonderful thing about the album: the quality of so many songs on an ordinary studio release is a rare thing. I remember back when I discovered this treasure that I had ambiguous feelings about Nisse Hellberg's vocal – it is soooo 'skånsk' => [‘skaδunsg], ‘scanian’, for those around the world who knows where that is :-) Now I only enjoy it – there’s a humorous touch in the way the dialect is emphasised and used to produce rhymes. Without being to technical, I simply find it highly enjoyable – it is extremely positive music and then you listen to some guys who really know blues rock and rock & roll in a traditional sense, which I’m not really that much for, and perhaps it’s that Swedish twist that makes me love it. Get it, get it, get it, even though you don’t understand the lyrics 'cause it’s a truly fine piece of art.