02 October 2013

BEST OF 1982:
Laurie Anderson "Big Science" (1982)

Big Science [debut]
release date: Apr. 19, 1982
format: vinyl (WB K 57 002) / cd (2007 remaster)
[album rate: 5 / 5] [4,78]
producer: Laurie Anderson, Roma Baran
label: Warner Bros. - nationality: USA

Tracklist: 1. "From the Air" (5 / 5) - 2. "Big Science" - 3. "Sweaters" - 4. "Walking & Falling" - 5. "Born, Never Asked" (5 / 5) (live) - 6. "O Superman (For Massenet)" (5 / 5) - 7. "Example #22" - 8. "Let X=X" (live) - 9. "It Tango"

Studio album debut by Laurie Anderson released on Warner - the 2007 remaster by Nonesuch Records. This is a corner-stone of modern pop music, and it's a masterpiece of avant-garde art rock synthpop - and it's still fantastic. The music is extremely original, although one may find that she's inspired by other artists of modern classical minimalism and musique concrete, e.g. Frank Zappa, Jean Michel Jarre, John Cage, and perhaps most evidently: Philip Glass. Nevertheless, Anderson had already experimented with other ways of musical output from the 1960s, and the music on Big Science also contains traces to German, French, and Japanese electronic pop music but her special sound remains unique. The minimalist music is of course central but her play with words and lyrics is likewise at supreme level, which makes it such a masterpiece.

1982 Favourite releases: 1. Laurie Anderson Big Science - 2. Dead Kennedys Plastic Surgery Disasters - 3. Elvis Costello & The Attractions Imperial Bedroom

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