26 June 2016

Alanis Morissette "Under Rug Swept" (2002)

Under Rug Swept
release date: Feb. 26, 2002
format: digital
[album rate: 3,5 / 5]

Track highlights: 1. "21 Things I Want in a Lover" - 2. "Narcissus" - 3. "Hands Clean" - 4. "Flinch" (4 / 5) - 6. "Precious Illusions" - 9. "You Owe Me Nothing in Return" - 10. "Surrendering" - 11. "Utopia"

5th studio album release by Alanis Morissette following Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie (1998.
Now this is a better release than her '98 album. I think, many people actually missed this one out because of sheer disappointment with her follow-up to her extremely popular Jagged Little Pill (1995). The '98 release sold really well coming after such massive success, despite the fact that it was really a lesser album, so people may have concluded that she only did one great album, but I actually really like this one. "Hands Clean" and "Precious Illusions" were the single releases from the album but it's "Flinch" that really lifts the level.