09 March 2015

Van Morrison "The Best Of - Volume Two" (1993)

The Best Of - Volume Two (compilation)
release date: Mar. 9, 1993
format: cd
[album rate: 4 / 5]
producer: Van Morrison
label: Polydor Records - nationality: Northern Ireland, UK

2nd official best of album by Van Morrison - and as contrary to the The Best Of (1990) this is compiled by himself. Most tracks are recorded from 1984-91 except for two tracks by Them from 1965 and '66, and 11 of the 15 tracks are Morrison songs, two are traditionals, and two songs performed by Them are credited John Lee Hooker and Bob Dylan respectively.
The album peaked at number #31 on the UK albums chart list (number #6 in New Zealand) and didn't receive as much recognition as his first best of album. Perhaps because when selecting his own best songs, he has avoided many great compositions that he may have tired from, or songs he considers from a time he's no longer in sync with - and then he has selected a collection of songs that are closer to his current state of mind, regardless a long public hit-list of material to choose from.
Anyway, the album is definitely worth more than a listen, although, I never found it as intriguing as his first.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]