19 September 2019

Gangway "Whatever It Is" (2019)

Whatever It Is
release date: Apr. 5, 2019
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,38]
producer: Janus Nevel Ringsted, Henrik Balling
label: RCA, Sony Music - nationality: Denmark

8th studio album by Gangway follows more than two decades (22½ years) (!) after That's Life (Sep. 1996), which up to this surprisingly new collection of brand new material has been filed as the band's final. Perhaps, because the end-result never felt as a decent attempt to main songwriter Henrik Balling, he managed to re-unite the band in its original line-up as it was some 20 years ago with Allan Jensen on lead and backing vocals, Torben Johansen on keyboards, guitar & backing vocals, and with Henrik Balling on guitar, keyboards, programming & backing vocals. Co-producer Janus N. Ringsted is additionally credited keyboards, programming, drums and percussion. As of 2017 Balling already announced the band's ressurection, which led to a series of concerts as their comeback.
Stylistically, it doesn't seem like two decades has passed, and at times it does seem a bit dated when they take up tones of drum'n'bass and techno-pop reminding us all of the 1990s and especially Depeche Mode and Pet Shop Boys. And then, is this new album actually bettering their '96 album? The short answer is yes! It's definitely better, although, it's not up there among the band's best efforts. The national press met the album with appraisal and positive reviews - and the song "Colourful Combinations" - preceding the album as a single release in Jun. 2018 - has been played from the Summer of 2018 up until the album release on local and national radio stations, but that's almost the only great song on an entire album, although, it was followed by two more singles before launching the album: "Don't Want to Go Home" (Nov. 2018) and "Confident and Ordinary" (Mar. 2019).
The best thing is that the band got back together, and only the future will tell if they managed to follow-up on the good reviews. Thanks for the attempt, but it's not really great.
[ Gaffa.dk, Politiken, Ekstra Bladet 4 / 6, Jyllands-Posten 5 / 6 stars ]