24 July 2017

Blondie "Panic of Girls" (2011)

Panic of Girls
release date: Jun. 1, 2011
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,08]
producer: Jeff Saltzman
label: Five Seven / EMI - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "D-Day" - 2. "What I Heard" (live) (better performance) - 3. "Mother" - 8. "Sunday Smile"

9th studio album by Blondie. This doesn't feel like the usual comeback albums. The previous album Curse of Blondie was a decent album, but that was released in 2003, so once again the band tries to fuel a comeback. I actually think they succeed rather well with this, although, I have seen and heard Deborah Harry sing live, and... well, she never had a great singing voice in the first place, but at least she was able to hit most notes in the past, but the new millennium does not provide her with much luck. It isn't too noticeable on the album so what the heck. This is a fine pop / rock album with at least a few fine songs.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5, Rolling Stone 3 / 5 stars ]