20 June 2014

The Style Council "Confessions of a Pop Group" (1988)

Confessions of a Pop Group
release date: Jun. 20, 1988
format: digital
[album rate: 2 / 5] [2,12]
producer: Paul Weller, Mick Talbot
label: Polydor Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "It's a Very Deep Sea" - 2. "The Story of Someone's Shoe" - 7. "Why I Went Missing" - 8. "How She Threw It All Away" - 10. "Confessions 1, 2 & 3"

4th full-length studio album by The Style Council. After releasing Our Favourite Shop in '85 the band released a third album The Cost of Loving in '87, which may be seen as the band's low point. I honestly didn't think they would continue much longer after that, but this is an improvement. Technically, it's superior to anything they have released but it doesn't bring about anything new and sometimes it sounds more like an anachronism. With 'do-bi-doo' backing vocals, greasy slick harmonies that make one think of The Carpenters, and a strange but often use of marimbas... What is this, Mr. Weller? The New Manhattan Transfers? The 'soul' and originality has nearly disappeared completely and what remains is pastiche pop, or lounge when it's least daring. This is below mediocre, and the album became the last studio release before the band split up in 1989. A final album had been recorded prior to the disbandment; however, it wasn't released until 1998. Paul Weller and Dee C. Lee married in 1987.
[ allmusic.com 1 / 5 stars! ]