18 March 2015

Interpol "El pintor" (2014)

El pintor
release date: Sep. 9, 2014
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,45]
producer: Interpol
label: Matador - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "All the Rage Back Home" - 2. "My Desire" (4 / 5) - 4. "Same Town, New Story" - 6. "Everything Is Wrong" - 7. "Breaker 1" - 8. "Ancient Ways" - 9. "Tidal Wave"

5th studio album by Interpol after a 4-year hiatus is once again produced by the band. After the band's usual bassist Carlos Dengler left the band upon releasing the previous album, Interpol has stayed a trio with vocalist and former rhythm guitarist Paul Banks now also playing bass. Musically, the band has evolved more on this, or they have matured. Interpol still hangs on to the post-punk influence but has tightened its soundscape. It's still centered around simplicity with Bank's dark tone and the voice of Daniel Kessler's bright guitar. It doesn't feel like another attempt to find the formula of their sudden success but more as a fresh start. As a positive thing, it doesn't contain obvious fillers, and it's clearly the band's best effort since the first two fine albums. The title is Spanish for "The painter" but also an anagram for Interpol.
[ allmusic.com, Uncut 3,5 / 5, Slant, NME 4 / 5 stars ]