12 March 2018

The Divine Comedy "Regeneration" (2001)

release date: Mar. 12, 2001
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,18]
producer: Nigel Godrich
label: Parlophone Records - nationality: Northern Ireland, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Timestretched" - 2. "Bad Ambassador" - 3. "Perfect Lovesong" - 5. "Lost Property" - 7. "Love What You Do" - 8. "Dumb It Down" - 11. "The Beauty Regime"

7th studio album by The Divine Comedy with producer Nigel Godrich. All the previous albums have all been released on the smaller Setanta label but Hannon has now signed with a major label, EMI Records and releases through its sub-label, Parlophone Records. This is often referred to as Hannon's darkest album and his OK Computer Radiohead album. Well, it doesn't contain the normal amount of pure croon of baroque pop revival, or Scott Walker influenced ballads and does have a more art pop / rock style, which may be his closest release to Radiohead BUT it's still very much an original Neil Hannon fabricated album with great songs. It may just take more time to appreciate the single tracks.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]