14 March 2018

C.V. Jørgensen "Fraklip fra det fjerne" (2002)

Fraklip fra det fjerne
release date: May 27, 2002
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,56]
producer: Kasper Winding
label: Columbia - nationality: Denmark

13th studio album by C.V. Jørgensen and his final album with new material for the time being. The album was released eight years after the critical acclaim Sjælland (1994). It's the second consecutive album with Kasper Winding in the role of producer and on the album, in addition to Winding, it's only recurring performances by guitarist Aske Jacoby and drummer Gert Smedegård, who most recently participated on I det muntre hjørne (1990) and who may probably be C.V.'s most used musician since the his beginning in '74. Aske Jacoby and Per Both play guitar on some tracks, just like C.V. again is credited with the instrument on most tracks, while Kasper Winding once again is credited as bassist and multi-instrumentalist. Other new musicians include the two Swedish musicians Gustav Ljunggren on pedal steel and mandolin, as well as Jesper Nordenström on keyboards, while Flemming Agerskov plays trumpet as a returnee from the '94 album. Text and music are solely credited C.V., while the music is arranged by Both, Valentin & Winding. The individual tracks are characterised by being recorded with different musicians, and several of these only participate on single songs, while it's exclusively C.V. and Winding, we hear on all ten tracks.
Eight years is a considerable time in between studio albums, and C.V. was perhaps even written off by many as an active musician. Following Sjælland, he somewhat turned down his touring life and withdrew from the spotlight, so that he now shows up with new material at all is actually a bit of a surprise. With the title - which is another word play ['Fraklip fra det fjerne' translates to 'Outtakes from afar'] - he basically jokes about his absence and perhaps indicates that these are mere glimpses of life from a self-chosen exile. It's not surprisingly an album on which C.V. cultivates the poetic, the ethereal and the introspective - as he demonstrated this style on the predecessor. A few tracks on that were predominantly electronic with a clear instrumentation taken from jazz with trumpet, double bass and percussion, and that approach is lived out in full bloom on this new one. The lyrics are not entirely positive. Again, they bear the mark of C.V.'s eye for social criticism and new trends, which in particular characterised his earlier albums. However, it's far from the wordy narrative threads of his early stage, but instead, it's much more based on his own life and identity. At the same time, it's performed in his more recent lyrical style, where the narrative is subordinated linguistic means. However, there is plenty of sulkiness, e.g. on "Endnu en vinter" ['Yet Another Winter']: "Jeg føler mig en anelse gudsforladt - & skriger på frelse hver eneste nat - Det hele er blevet mig for sammensat - Mon jeg nærmer mig endnu en vinter", ['I feel somewhat forsaken by God - and (I) scream for salvation every single night - It's all become too complex for me - I wonder if I'm heading towards another Winter' (my translation)], and on "Dagdriverdrømme" ['Dreams of Lazybones']: "Mit ego har spillet fallit - Mit jeg er ikke længere mit - Mit æresord er i miskredit" ['My self-esteem is failing - My own self is no longer mine - My word of honour is being discredited' (my translation)]. However, it's not only pure pessimism as for instance on the end track "En stor dag" ['A Great Day'], where he might narrate about turning his back on everything: "Det er som er jeg ramt af et trylleslag - Jeg har svært ved at huske mine nederlag - Dagen er reddet & kysten er klar - Jeg er den der er skredet så skaf en vikar" ['It's as if I've been hit by the wave of a magic wand - I find it difficult remembering my defeats - I'm out of the woods & coast is clear - I'm out of here, so find a replacement' (my translation)]. That's is how the album ends, and since then, C.V. hasn't released any new material. However, he has continued his concert life, at intervals, where his old stables have been rearranged and adapted to his new musical style.
Fraklip fra det fjerne was generally well-received, apart from a few critics who poked fun at his isolated life at his 'own preserve'. At the Danish Music Awards 2002, C.V. Jørgensen eas awarded IFPI's Honorary Award, while at the following year's nominations the album was on the list of Danish Album of the Year, which on that occasion was handed Saybia's debut album The Second You Sleep.
Nowadays, the album marks a fine poetic end to perhaps the one of the finest careers in Danish popular music. The album doesn't reach the level of his albums of the past two decades, but it's nevertheless original and artistically justified. However, as no other, C.V. Jørgensen has left his lasting mark in Danish music history by the release of several unique and diverse albums of high quality.
The front cover is once again credited C.V.'s girlfriend Annemarie Albrectsen. Since this, other albums have been issued, which include the two fine double live albums Så live som muligt (2003) and Sange fra scenen (2012), as well as number of compilations. The documentary "C.V. Jørgensen - skygger og skønhed" by Jens Folmer Jepsen was issued in 2006 (DR2 pre-presentation). Since 2011/12 circulating rumours have announced that he was in the process of recorded new songs, but now a decade onwards it's unfortunately still without any visible proof.
[ Gaffa.dk 4 / 6 stars ]