24 November 2013

Moby "Animal Rights" (1996)

Animal Rights
release date: Sep. 23, 1996
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,98]
producer: Moby, Alan Moulder
label: Mute Records - nationality: USA

4th studio album by Moby following a year and a half after Everything Is Wrong.
Stylistically, this is something completely different, to say it mildly. On this, Moby has turned away from the electronic genre that he has released music in up until now. Apparently, he was unsatisfied with the reception his music was given and returned to play the hardcore punk rock and alt. rock that he listened to as a teenager.
Animal Rights was generally met by negative reviews and didn't attract record buyers making it an even bolder failure than his previous attempts.
Yes, it's guitar-based, aggressive hardcore punk and as far away from what he previously had been (as well as later on would become) associated with as he possibly could, but musically it isn't all bad. It's well-composed and loyal to the genre and showcases some originality. I just don't find it all that enjoyable.
Not recommended.
[ allmusic.com, The Guardian 2 / 5, Rolling Stone, Mojo 3 / 5, NME 4 / 5 stars ]