23 November 2013

Sigur Rós "Von" (1997)

Von [debut]
Release date: Jun. 14, 1997
format: cd
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,68]
producer: Sigur Rós
label: Smekkleysa Records - nationality: Iceland

Track highlights: 4. "Myrkur" - 7. "Hafssól" - 9. "Von"

Studio album debut by Sigur Rós released on Smekkleysa Records [Icelandic for 'Bad Taste Records'] and produced by the band. The album only had its release in Iceland in '97 and then was reissued in 2004 on One Little Indian. The album is rather different from most later releases by the band, as it's much more experimental. In that sense it's a strong and daring release for a debut, although, the story goes that the band upon hearing the result after long struggles with studio sessions, basically had wanted to start all over because they felt that the result was too far away from their initial ideas. Financially, they couldn't dump the recordings and start anew, so it was released as is.
I think some of the tracks could be inspired by noise pop, noise rock bands like Jesus and Mary Chain, My Bloody Valentine, and then other more ambient compositions with a certain Brian Eno, Talk Talk touch, which really makes it a rather diverse pond of inspirational sources. The result is rather original, although, it's also related to Godspeed You Black Emperor! and some releases by Mogwai; however, Sigur Rós really precedes these two bands.
I don't think it's one of their best albums, as the music is too much of a vast pond - like something that needs more direction. There's space rock, neo-psychedelic, and experimental rock in a huge blend, which makes it difficult to follow. It has moments but the end result isn't more than a mediocre but somewhat interesting [giving the band's later works] first draft.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5 stars ]