19 November 2013

Moby "Everything Is Wrong" (1995)

Everything Is Wrong
release date: Mar. 13, 1995
format: digital
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,52]
producer: Moby
label: Elektra / Mute - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Hymn" - 2. "Feeling So Real" - 3. "All That I Need Is to Be Loved" - 5. "Everytime You Touch Me" - 6. "Bring Back My Happiness" - 13. "When It's Cold I'd Like to Die"

3rd studio album release by Moby - or actually, it's only his second intended album release, as his former label Instinct Records in the aftermath of his successful debut album decided to release the album Ambient in August '93 when Moby was in the process of signing a record deal with British independent label, Mute Records - an album of quite different material, as indicated by the title and completely without Moby's knowledge.
Everything Is Wrong is both the natural follow-up to his poignant debut but also something quite different. The album starts off with his techno, downtempo trademark, but with the two tracks "All That I Need Is to Be Loved" and "What Love?" he introduces a fascination for punk rock mixed with a hardcore rave and alt. metal electronic style, which takes the album in a completely different direction; however, other tracks are almost exact opposites with ambient bits and as natural contrasts but also merry soul and funk-styled compositions (e.g. the M People-like "Everytime You Touch Me") scattered across the album serve as counterparts to the fierce angry punk rock attitude.
Overall one could imagine the whole album as way too complex with tracks pointing in all sorts of directions, but with Moby you already here understand that "Everything isn't just wrong" - quite contrary in fact it's here a proven mission accomplished.
Frankly, I missed out this at the time of the release, and today I find it difficult to choose between his first two albums as they both seem essential.
I like it, it's gooood.
[ allmusic.com, Spin 4,5 / 5, Rolling Stone 4 / 5, Q Magazine 3 / 5 stars ]