25 October 2014

Bloc Party "Flux" (2007) (single)

Flux, single
release date: Nov. 25, 2007
format: digital
[single rate: 3 / 5] [2,83]
producer: Jacknife Lee
label: Wichita - nationality: England, UK

Tracklist: 1. "Flux" (4 / 5) - 2. "Flux (live at The Theater at Madison Square Garden)" (2 / 5) - 3. "Emma Kate's Accident" (2,5 / 5)

A single release by Bloc Party that didn't make it to the band's 2007 album, and no wonder! Once you think you've understood what these guys do they are in a completely new position doing something... else. At this point fans are complaining how Bloc Party is a scam, and how disappointed everyone is that they do not produce... Or: what was expected, that is. Because fact is, Bloc Party came out as a super-hyped band that should pick up music where Joy Division let go, as a British competitor and leader of post-punk revival. Think twice, these guys may have thought. The second studio album, A Weekend in the City (2007) showed us how much they are on the move exploring their limits. Flux... is again a step into new territory. This is experimenting with electronic synth pop and alt. dance. It took me more than a few attempts but then again, I found it more than just experiments. And once again, one need to hear their music played LOUD! "Flux" alone is a great single track, which is enough to buy the single, but the remainders are mere fillers.