03 August 2015

Alanis Morissette "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie" (1998)

Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
release date: Nov. 3, 1998
format: digital (17 x File, FLAC - 2015 remaster)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,32]
producer: Glen Ballard, Alanis Morissette
label: Rhino Records - nationality: Canada

Track highlights: 1. "Front Row" - 3. "Thank U" (4,5 / 5) - 9. UR

4th studio album release by Alanis Morissette originally released on Maverick, is the difficult follow-up to her international best-selling album Jagged Little Pill (1995). With the immense popularity of the predecessor, this was basically doomed to fail expectations. The single "Thank U" and the first track "Front Row" are the only great tracks on a rather disappointing and lengthy album - the original release contains 17 tracks.
It's not that I necessarily expect her to be the angry grunge rock female - and "Thank U" actually shows a new softer side of her skills - but the whole album reveals a huge mix of styles and genres, which really is its biggest flaw.